Bound for destinations of knowledge and understanding

Life's destination is a vanishing horizon, retreating before the advancing thread of awareness as it learns new ways to gather, process and respond to information.

Individual beings - on the scale of a cell, a multicellular creature, a species, or an ecosystem - are embedded within a vast network of intercommunications.

Each being is a thread of awareness, receiving signals from the world around it, unaware of the network of intercommunications within itself gathering and processing the signals to create its awareness.

Each being perceives itself as the focus of these forces, and perceives other beings as individual entities separate and apart from its own focus. Yet all entities exist together as one integrated network of intercommunications. 

The network of intercommunications, creating the thread of awareness of all beings, determines their relationships and their future evolution and is beyond the horizon of any one being's perceptions. But not beyond our collective consciousness.

Evolution of the thread of awareness has a driving force - the desire and the will to survive.

Survival depends on the ability to perceive changes in the surrounding environment, evaluate these changes, and respond.

Each individual being - bacteria, cell, multicellular organism, species - survives and evolves as it learns new ways to perceive, remember and respond in order to survive.

Over billions of years, the thread of awareness voyaged steadily towards a vanishing horizon of knowledge and understanding, with every new discovery leading to an expanding universe of questions.

For more on how life seeks its own destination, go to the evolution of the cat, of finches, and of life.
For a look at the structure of this process, and how to participate in experiencing it, go to The Torus Concept.