Chart of the thread of awareness

Thread of Awareness Torus

A torus is a diagram of a perfectly balanced dynamic flow of energy.  It has a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps around itself to return to the first incoming vortex. 

Hurricanes, tornadoes, magnetic fields around planets and stars, whole galaxies and the fundamental quantum structures of atoms are all balanced torus energy systems. It is also  a flow diagram for the process of evolution.

Level 1

The double vortex shape is a cross-section of the inside of a torus.
The chart has three levels, each one deriving from and dependent on the preceding one.
Level 1. On the first level, the pattern of becoming is interaction, momentum, reaction.
To Be. The process of coming together into focal points of being. Hundreds of different kinds of subatomic particles flow together to create a single, unique pattern of behavior known as a hydrogen atom. 75% of the observed matter in the universe is hydrogen.
To Change. Hydrogen atoms compress together in the curved structure of space to form a Star. This results in something brand new and unexpected, omnidirectional radiation - sunlight - appears from the energy released when hydrogen atoms fuse into helium.
Atomic fusion in stars, especially when stars go nova, also constructs oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and all the other 96 naturally occurring elements. Radiation and elements are the change in change, generating a whole new level of becoming.

Stars form and die in a pattern of interaction known as a galaxy.
The galaxies are part of one expanding universe made of billions of galaxies.

Level 2

When elements forged in stars fused into planets there was a new phenomenon - stellar radiation had something to hit. From the perspective of the elements on the spinning planet, stellar radiation moved toward the elements and pulsed as the planet turned. The pulsed intercommunication of stellar radiation with ancient stellar ashes generated a whole new level of becoming.

The elements absorbed and released energy and linked together to form complex molecules made of hundreds of millions of atoms. These created special micro-environments that altered the flow of energy through them. Eventually, one such system, made of millions of atoms of the most common elements - carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and phosphorous - learned to duplicate itself. Its ability to modify the atomic world to form copies of itself resulted in the creation of the first organism, probably a proto-bacterium.
At this point, Interaction, Momentum, Reaction became

To Be became I Am.
To Change became Awareness.

To Have Direction became To Learn or to evolve.

Bacteria created something completely new and different,

communications and ecosystems - biologically created environments - resulted in the creation of a new and unexpected level of becoming.
Bacteria communicate to form cells and cells communicate to form multicellular organisms, each one a galaxy of hundreds of trillions of beings.
These galaxies of cells form an expanding awareness in a global web of communications; a spherical information network over 12,700 kilometers in diameter and about 20 kilometers thick.

Creation of Something New and Different, Awareness and Signals

On the  first level , when hydrogen first fused to form stars, omnidirectional radiation - light - was created. When the elements from exploding stars congealed into planets the radiation had something to hit and an entirely new level of becoming was created.
On the second level, when organic molecules interacted to create self-replicating organisms, a new kind of radiation was created, awareness. Like stellar radiation, created as an outflowing of energy from fusion, awareness is created by the fusion of communications between living beings and the world around them. 
One result of awareness was the ability to perceive, remember, and respond to other organisms. The ability to detect other creatures, under the pressure of the need to survive, created complex networks of signals.


The changes in the environment created by the outflow of elements and movements from the torus of each being became signals, full of meaning when they fused with the information systems of the living creatures. The use of the output of the torus as signals was something brand new and completely unique. This enabled beings to track themselves, their offspring, and other organisms through time.  The detection of signals outside the focus of the awareness producing them created the observer.
Signals are representatives of the beings that emitted them. The word communications means to make public, shared by all. When these communications entered into the torus of another being, or the same being at a later time, they resulted in changes in behavior. The being detecting the signal might, for example, recognize the signal as an indication it was or was not moving in the correct direction, or a signal might represent something to track down and absorb, or another being like itself to combine with, or a predator to avoid.
Communications controlled the behavior of living beings and thus altered the formation and distribution of the by-products of life - the ecosystems.
Communications are the guiding force of evolution.

Level 3

When creatures began to emit regulatory signals into the environment, awareness had something new to reflect upon. Communications became a control system that forged the evolution of all the forms of life on our planet. The signals between organisms on all levels of being were the elements of a whole new structure of becoming.

Signals between living systems merged together into larger and more complex communications. First they were simply by-products of the beings, later they became deliberate signals, emitted to elicit desired behavior and co-ordinate action between individual beings. Finally, they became words.
Words are more than simple signals. Signals are representatives of individual beings (I Am). Words are also representatives of a group understanding about any object or action (We Are). Signals and words emitted by individual beings are short-lived, forming and reforming each time they were expressed.
About 4500 years ago, writing was invented. This shifted language into a new realm.
  • Perception,   Memory,  Response became
  • Learning, Knowledge, Understanding.
  • I Am became We Are.
  • Awareness became Awaken.
  • To Learn became Awakening.

Temporal Consciousness

Writing was to the communication web what DNA was to the organic web - a means of replicating concepts over long intervals. Written words outlasted the individual beings that created them and, once inscribed, the concepts became nearly immortal.
Written language was the star, the organism, of a new rapidly expanding universe of thought. Writing awoke a new kind of consciousness, a new means of knowing together, that transformed human awareness, enabling it to reflect upon itself so it could understand not only the signals of other humans, but the signals and memories of all living beings.
Writing - and related communications such as art, music and mathematics - accumulated vast libraries, galaxies of information, that controlled the behavior of all humans on the planet and through them, the planetary ecosystems.
The replicating ability of words, graphics and other written communications improved rapidly with printing techniques and exploded when they became encoded in electronic signals. Spoken words propagated over the planet by word of mouth with poor reproductive qualities and limited distribution. Electronic media enables the spread of concepts around the planet at the speed of light. Information has accumulated into an expanding universe of knowledge in global databases.

Creation of Something new and different

The Electronic Web of understanding is reaching out to form a control system that enables human awareness to penetrate through its limited interval of awareness and limited perceptual horizons and view all the thread of awareness, from the dawn of the universe through the development of life and being.
  • The new electronic information system created electronic eyes capable of seeing the residue of the Big Bang from the creation of the universe, and perceive and catalog millions of galaxies.
  • It created tunneling electron microscopes able to see atoms and it created atom smashers able to create and measure sub-atomic particles.
  • It devised systems to view the entire floor of the sea and to observe the entire planet from all angles all at once.
  • It devised ways to see into the heart of the planet itself, to its very core, inspecting each layer to understand the movements of the planetary crust.
  • It learned to read the strata laid down by life over the millennia and recall the details of the development of life.
  • It peered into living beings and saw, in real time and great detail, the shape and size and movement and activity of DNA.
  • It measured thought as it was formed in the minds of humans and other creatures, scanning with magnetic resonance and thermal probes.
All these sensory abilities lifted mind above the horizons of its old perceptions into a new pattern of being. One able to recognize itself as the thread of awareness developing on a living planet.