Facts of Life


Fact 1. Earth's atoms are 4.5 billion years old.

4,500,000,000 years ago Earth congealed from atomic elements of a star that exploded.

It was highly radioactive and extremely hot. The atmosphere of gasses had no free oxygen and there was no water on its surface. The atoms of the new planet moved randomly and very fast.

There was no life on Earth for an estimated 1,000,000,000 years.

The same atomic elements that formed the Earth 4 billion years ago are still here. But now they are cooler and have been re-arranged into different patterns. The atmosphere has a different mixture of gasses, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are joined to form water that in turn is distributed as clouds, oceans, lakes and rivers. The carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen now join in special ways to form life.

The atoms creating you, and every other living being, and the oceans and atmosphere are the same atoms that were here all along and they are all 4.5 billion years old.

To focus on this fact, look around you and think about everything you see today while reflecting on the fact that you are looking at the same atomic elements, the same carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms, oxygen atoms, nitrogen atoms, that were around you before you sat down to read this.

The atoms have not changed, not in five minutes, not in 4.5 billion years.

The atoms are in constant motion and are now moving in different patterns than they were a few minutes ago or billions of years ago, but they are the same atoms.

Fact 2. Earth's atoms flow through you and all living creatures.

Your physical form is composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and a smaller mixture of the other 96 naturally occuring elements.

You bring these atoms into yourself with every breath, every drink and every meal, change their relationships into new ones that form your body, give you energy to perceive the world around you, and to remember, think, and move.

You expell the atoms when you are done with them and these, along with the other things that escape you (your actions, your words) move out from your focus and create changes outside of you. This pattern, the atoms flowing together towards your focus, the change within you, the flowing out again, and the changes in the world around you are the prime characteristic of the process of life. All living creatures create themselves and maintain their existence within this 4-step process.

You can prove this to yourself right now by simply exhaling all of the air in your lungs and not breathing in again while you read the next small paragraph. Try it now, breathe out completely but don't breathe back in until you finish the next paragraph. This is an experiment through which you can establish the truth.

Within seconds of stopping the continual flow of atoms through your focus you will become desperately aware of the reality of the requirement for the atoms of oxygen to enter into your focus. The longer you hold off refreshing the atoms the more aware you will become of the absolute fact of the flow of atoms through yourself. You surely feel the truth of it by now if you are still waiting to breathe in again. Feel it, then breathe in and admire the feeling of satisfaction as the atoms flood into you again.

If you breathe in and hold your breath for 20 seconds you will feel an increasingly sharp awareness of the need to release the atoms from your focus. How long can you hold your breath before you fully and completely acknowledge that the movement of earth atoms through you is no theory, no opinion, no model, but an absolute fact of life? Try it and see.

By this simple experiment prove to yourself that the atoms of the planet flow through you, and that you change them into your form, and that the atoms not only form your body but also energize your movements and your perceptions and your memories and your thoughts.

Science has proved what you cannot feel or know directly. 

All of the atoms now forming your body entered your focus from a wide area of the world around you and will leave you again within a surprisingly short time. Every atom of your brain will be exchanged for new atoms within a week. Almost every single atom in your entire body, including your bones and teeth, will be exchanged for new atoms within a year.

You can verify this as well. Reduce the flow of atoms through your focus by minimizing the intake of food and drink to one drink of water and one mouthfull of rice per day for 20 days and you will see your physical form deflating and your strength leaving you as new atoms flowing into you can not keep up with the atoms flowing out of you. You don't need to perform the experiment to realize the truth of this constant flow.

The atoms in you now will soon be exchanged for new ones and the atoms in you now will soon become rain, the ocean, the plants, and other creatures as they are recycled in the flow of life on our planet.

To experience the thread of awareness, you must be able to visualize this flow and be absolutely sure, totally convinced, of this pattern of the atoms flowing in towards you, your changing them into new relationships, and then releasing them back into the world in a changed form where their relationships are changed again into the water, soil, bacteria, plants, and other creatures that surround you.

It is a provable, and essential fact.

And you must also remember Fact 1.

The atoms that are moving through you at this moment are the same atoms that were here when the earth formed 4 billion years ago. The carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and other elements creating you now have recirculated through living creatures and through the ocean and the clouds and the plants - changing their relationships and their movement, but they are the same atoms.

Fact 3. Not one cell of your body has ever died.

You are 3.5 billion years old.

You were a single cell, a fertilized egg, and you grew yourself into a creature comprised of over 100 trillion small animals all moving and communicating in concert to weave your body, and your thoughts within the atoms of the earth. Your living memories, your cells and organelles came through your parents and their parents back through all the ancestors to when life first began. Not one single living cell anywhere in the world has ever died.

You can examine some of your own cells in a microscope, but you must rely on a century of medical research, photographs and extensive documentation to absolutely verify that you, and all people, and in fact almost all the plants and animals that you can see, begin as a single small creature (an egg, a seed) and then grew themselves by dividing and dividing again, constantly capturing the elements of the planet and changing them into themselves, and then releasing them again by both excretion and division.

See yourself as you were, a single sphere over a billion times smaller than you are now. All 100 trillion of the creatures that now form you came from that single egg. You grew your own body yourself, you maintain it yourself. Yet you have no idea how you managed to get the dividing cells to organize into yourself nor how you are getting all 100 trillion little animals that are your body to cycle earth atoms, maintain your breathing, coordinate your seeing, your reading, or your understanding. Yet you did grow yourself, and you are creating yourself within the atoms of the earth right now.

There is a mind system within you of astonishing harmony and complexity. Although you are not consciously aware of how it works or what it thinks, it is your mind, your awareness.

Your "conscious" mind is the communication phase of this greater mind - "you" are the "one" that talks to others and to yourself. You identify your "self" with this communicator, and have a name and base your self-identity on this and other words. But your consciousness is only a small aspect of the ancient communication web that weaves you - as you read this - from earth atoms.

The astonishing and most wonderous aspect of this truth is that the communication web, the mind system, your mind, has been sensing the world around it, growing more complex, advancing through learning new ways to behave, for 3.5 billion years.

Life is a continuous process existing within the matrix of earth's atoms of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen for about 3.5 billion years. The atoms of DNA are constantly being replaced with fresh atoms from the planet, and this spiral weaving of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous has gone on since DNA first began to copy itself within it's specalized self-generated association.

The atoms of your body are the same ones that were here 4.5 billion years ago. Your DNA and every living cell and every living being on Earth today has never died and has a continuous, unbroken link to the entire 3.5 billion year memory of evolving into what life is today. It is this memory system that enabled you to build your self from a single microscopic egg and maintains you - every aspect of your being - from moment to moment.

Fact 4. The thread of awareness is the element of surprise learning new ways to perceive the patterns of the world and reflecting upon itself.

Life has a new perspective, revealed by the common perceptions of humanity, perceptions reaching beyond the horizons of imagination to meet and sense itself upon the interface of chaos and beoming.

The thread of awareness in chaos is a 3.4 billion year old creature blossoming within the atoms of the earth, in all the forms of awareness we see all around us and within ourselves.

We humans, with our extrasomatic memory system - language - have extended our sensory awareness far beyond the horizons of all other creatures of our planet - observing our world from sub-atomic interactions to the movements of galaxies.

This expanded awareness and understanding allows humans to actually observe the billions of small creatures creating our bodies and understand how we grow ourselves from egg to adult and pass on our immortal DNA memories through the ages.


For a summary of more facts, Click Here